Chiropractic Care for Inflammation Relief

Chiropractic Care for Inflammation Relief

Chiropractic care is an alternative treatment that focuses on diagnosing and manipulating the musculoskeletal system, with particular attention to the spine.

The method is based on the postulate that the body is capable of self-healing, and the nervous system plays a major role in maintaining balance – homeostasis. However, displacement of the vertebrae, their functional blocks or impaired mobility impede the passage of nerve impulses, disrupting the balance of body functions and its homeostasis.

What Diseases Does Chiropractic Treat?

Chiropractic care can relieve you from many ailments. Like other forms of Eastern medicine, chiropractic has a major advantage over Western treatments: you don’t have to take a lot of medications, which often have side effects.

The main areas of diseases that chiropractic works with:

  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Various complications of osteochondrosis.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. Headaches, migraines, nervous tics, dystonia, and others.
  • Radiculitis and various diseases associated with the peripheral nervous system.
  • Diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.
  • Hypertension
  • Bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory disorders.
  • Gastritis, cystitis, cholecystitis.
  • Infertility, menstrual irregularities.


Chiropractic: How It Works

As in other types of medicine, the chiropractor first takes the patient’s medical history. Then, using special biochemical tests, the body is diagnosed. These tests show exactly where the dysfunction is occurring. Every part of our body constantly makes micromovements, even when at rest. With dysfunction, the normal mobility of the zone is disrupted. The chiropractor determines in which part of the body micromobility is most impaired and corrects this impairment. After all the doctor’s manipulations, blood flow improves, the blockage of nerve endings is removed, and the body begins to heal itself.

The human body has all the necessary resources for recovery. Chiropractic just helps the body to start these natural processes just a little bit.

Comprehensive Treatment of Inflammation

Inflammation occurs in various tissues and organs in response to damage or the action of pathogens. Despite the various causes and volumes of problems, they cause the development of the inflammatory process. Although this means that the immune system is fighting the problem, it is usually accompanied by pain, swelling, redness, fever, local or whole body, and even dysfunction of the inflamed organ. To reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms and at the same time help the body in its fight, medications such as Prednisone are used in combination with chiropractic care. Prednisone is a powerful analog of natural glucocorticoids. Suppresses the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect. In emergency and severe cases, the drug saves lives.

In fact, the process occurring in tissues that are damaged or exposed to pathogenic factors turns out to be deeper and more versatile than just inflammation. Therefore, complex treatment is required, taking into account the etiology of the disease.

However, inflammation causes the greatest discomfort, so anti-inflammatory therapy is almost always included in treatment, it can significantly alleviate symptoms and speed up recovery. In addition, in many cases, one’s own immunity is able to cope with the source of the problem on its own, and the fight against inflammation comes to the fore since pain, swelling, and other symptoms lead to a noticeable decrease in the quality of life.

However, even in this case, we should talk about complex treatment, which includes medications, changes in daily routine, physical activity, etc.

The selection of effective pharmacological therapy requires considering many factors, among which the gender of the patient and the associated psycho-emotional differences in the perception of objective reality and its subsequent subjective assessment play a significant role.


The results of chiropractic treatment may vary depending on the type of disease, the degree of its development, and the individual characteristics of the patient.

However, common results of chiropractic treatment may include:

  • Pain relief and inflammation reduction: Many patients report improving their condition after the first chiropractic session. Manual chiropractic techniques can reduce pain and inflammation in the body.
  • Improved Mobility: Chiropractic techniques can help restore mobility in joints, muscles, and ligaments. It can improve blood circulation and metabolism in the body.
  • Improving organ function: Chiropractic techniques can also affect the functioning of internal organs such as the digestive system, heart, and lungs. This can improve their functionality and overall health.
  • Disease Prevention: Chiropractic care can also help prevent disease and improve the immune system and overall health.

How Chiropractic Care Can Alleviate Anxiety and Depression


One of the most common mental disorders in the world is depression. According to the most conservative estimates of experts, about a million people worldwide suffer from the accompanying symptoms. Depressed mood, decreased performance, and quality of life are not all unpleasant symptoms that appear in the vast majority of patients with this diagnosis.

Causes of Depression

Most often, the trigger that provokes the development of a depressive state is a traumatic event. This could be the loss of a loved one, a painful separation, loss of a job, or a change in living conditions for the worse. Women often develop postpartum depression, caused both by complex processes occurring in the body and by the realization that motherhood is hard work.

Experts note the close relationship that exists between the physical parameters of the patient’s body and the presence of depression. So, it can develop in a patient suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system or, on the contrary, lead to the appearance of heart disease.


The most serious complication of depression is attempted suicide.

In addition, complications of depression include:

  • Inability to care for oneself, to perform the simplest actions;
  • Migraines that are not relieved by painkillers;
  • Worsening of the course of cardiovascular and oncological diseases;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Decreased libido up to its complete absence;
  • And many others.

Chiropractic Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Chiropractic care can be used both in addition to drug therapy with Xanax (Alprazolam) and as an independent method of getting rid of severe depression. A chiropractor’s techniques are equally effective in improving the patient’s physical condition and correcting his emotional state. By eliminating muscle hypertonicity and spasms of internal organs, the specialist normalizes all processes occurring in the body, including the functioning of the body’s endocrine system. Stress levels decrease, and the patient returns to leading a full life.

A course of treatment can help a patient suffering from depression:

  • Reduce stress levels by normalizing the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • Launch processes of self-recovery of the body at the physical and mental levels;
  • Normalize the functioning of all organs and systems of the patient’s body;
  • Prevent the development of somatic diseases caused by stress;
  • Remove painful thoughts, increased anxiety, irritability, insomnia, etc.;
  • Bring the patient’s emotional state into balance.


In difficult cases with severe manifestations of depression, the presence of severe concomitant pathology, and also if there is a risk of suicide, drug treatment with Xanax may be required. Depending on the situation, the doctor selects drug therapy in combination with other treatment methods.

Psychotropic drugs are an important part of the treatment of depressive conditions using modern clinical psychotherapy. With the correct prescription of medications in this group and, importantly, the patient’s compliance with all the instructions of the attending physician, psychotropics help to completely eliminate the depressed emotional state within 1-2 months, thereby opening the way to in-depth psychotherapeutic work on the personal problems of patients.

The selection of effective pharmacological therapy requires considering many factors, among which the gender of the patient and the associated psycho-emotional differences in the perception of objective reality and its subsequent subjective assessment play a significant role.

What to Do if You Notice Signs of Depression

Even a mild form of depression requires consultation with a specialist, as it is a disease. But there are ways that, along with treatment from a psychotherapist, will help you recover faster:

  • Establish a sleep-wake schedule in which you sleep at least 8 hours a day and fall asleep no later than 10 pm.
  • Eat a balanced and varied diet while minimizing the consumption of sugar, refined foods, and caffeine.
  • Get physically active. Today, there are a huge number of fitness areas, find something that you will enjoy doing.
  • Take care of your body, take a bath, go to the bathhouse or sauna, visit a massage therapist. Take time to relax.
  • Any activity, with the exception of sitting at a computer and in front of the TV, helps restore normal brain and nervous system functioning.
  • Contact with the outside world is one of the necessary conditions for mental health.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Lose Weight

How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Lose Weight

Chiropractic care has an excellent safety record and is widely recognized as an effective, drug-free, non-invasive treatment for headaches, neck pain, back pain, and many other spinal problems. Find out here how it helps in weight loss.

Chiropractic Care as an Effective Way to Get Rid of Excess Weight

In today’s conditions, an increasing number of obese individuals are seeking help from endocrinologists. Obesity is primarily caused by lifestyle changes, lack of physical activity, unhealthy work schedules that do not allow for rational nutrition, and as a result, we have one full meal after 19:00-20:00.

Of course, slight weight gain is not a cause for concern and usually goes unnoticed. However, over time, the weight grows and brings external and internal discomfort. So, a person has to resort to drugs like Phentermine (an appetite suppressant), various diets (Mediterranean diet, Volumetrics diet, Keto diet, Low-carb Atkins diet, French diet, etc.), and regular exercise. All this is useful, but sometimes it is not enough and the desired result is not achieved.

How Does the Body Adapt to Excess Weight?

What changes occur in the body when a person gains weight? First of all, the body, adapting to excess weight, puts the vertebrae, ribs, pelvis, and leg bones in a forced disadvantageous position. This affects the health of many structures and the following problems may occur:

  1. Limitation of the diaphragm movement amplitude leads to congestion in the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities.
  2. Pulmonary dysfunction. The cleansing process through breathing is disrupted, and metabolic products accumulate instead of being eliminated. The kidneys have trouble with excretion, which results in higher intoxication levels and fluid retention.
  3. Digestive system disorders cause a decrease in the movement of contents, impairing the body’s ability to detoxify through the intestines.
  4. Abdominal organ prolapse entails a deterioration in arterial inflow, as well as venous and lymphatic outflow. Consequently, the organs begin to function poorly.
  5. Decreased immunity.


That is, the result of excess weight is chronic poisoning, intoxication. Hence chronic depression and reluctance to move. Against this background, the craniosacral rhythm slows down, and the body’s vitality indicators deteriorate. The structure and function of the occipitocervical junction, lumbosacral junction, and sacroiliac joints are disturbed. Such a body state cannot be called healthy.

What Is Chiropractic and How Does It Work?

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that focuses on the spine, joints, and their relationship with the nervous system. The term itself has Greek roots and means “made by hand”. Although the technique was invented in the late 19th century, chiropractic can be traced back to ancient medical practices in China, India, and Egypt. In the modern world, this is one of the most well-known forms of alternative medicine.

Chiropractic therapists restore the proper functioning of joints, internal organs, and the nervous system. They help patients maintain optimal health while avoiding unnecessary medications or surgeries.

The Impact of Chiropractic Care on Weight Loss

Chiropractic care can influence the weight loss process in several ways:

  1. Improved overall health. The methods utilized help enhance overall health by improving the body’s organs and systems. This creates favorable conditions for weight loss.
  2. Posture correction and muscle tone support. Specialists pay special attention to posture and muscle tone. Even distribution of body weight is essential for maintaining activity and achieving weight loss.
  3. Work with internal organs. Numerous chiropractic techniques target the internal organs and gastrointestinal system, thereby optimizing digestion and nutrient absorption processes.
  4. Stress management. Stress is often associated with excess weight and chiropractic can help manage it by focusing on the nervous system and decreasing overall anxiety levels.
  5. Metabolism stimulation. Treatment activates metabolic processes in the body, which, in turn, also helps fight obesity.


Thus, chiropractic care is a comprehensive approach to enhancing human health. It is beneficial for people looking to lose weight, as well as for those interested in improving their overall well-being.

What to Expect During Treatment?

There is no need for concern when starting treatment. The doctor will learn your complete medical history, conduct a detailed physical examination, check your spine and joint mobility. Treatment consists of restoring the functions of individual joints and other connective tissues and is achieved using manual pressure. You may also receive recommendations for performing certain exercises, as well as various preventive measures.


Chiropractic care is completely safe and very effective in the right hands. When combined with anti-obesity medications like Phentermine (Adipex-P), regular physical activity, and diet, it will help you achieve your desired weight loss results quickly and hassle-free.


Chiropractic Care for Insomnia Treatment

Chiropractic Care for Insomnia Treatment

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects approximately 20% of adults to varying degrees.

At the same time, we observe:

  • persistent, regular nature of sleep problems,
  • changes in sleep structure, its phases,
  • sleep disturbance provided that the patient actually has time to sleep,
  • physical and neuropsychiatric symptoms indicating this diagnosis.

Causes of Insomnia

  • Taking medications that cause insomnia as an unpleasant side effect.
  • Insufficient sleep hygiene (bright light, lack of room ventilation, high air temperature, uncomfortable pillow/mattress, drinking tonic drinks before bed).
  • Somatic diseases, pain, and discomfort can also cause insomnia.
  • High level of stress, nervous tension, change of environment, work situations.
  • Neurological, mental illness, other disorders of the nervous system.
  • Endocrine diseases.

Chiropractic care may be the best way to relieve stress and, as a result, eliminate sleep disorders. By interacting with the primary health resources in the human body, chiropractic has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, it allows you to release and eliminate the consequences of psychological trauma suffered throughout life.

Manual techniques for insomnia help eliminate tissue tension in the patient’s body, restore normal bone structure mobility and the correct anatomical position of internal organs, balance the nervous system’s function, and improve the body’s adaptive capabilities and resistance to stress.

Chiropractic care has been used successfully for all types of insomnia. The longest correction time is required to eliminate sleep disorders caused by organic diseases of the meninges or endocrine disorders. With adaptive insomnia and insomnia provoked by acute stress, improvement usually occurs after the first sessions.

Treatment of Insomnia with Medication

The main problem in the treatment of insomnia at present is not so much the insufficient effectiveness of the drugs used but the insufficient safety of treatment with these drugs, especially for older people.

The main disadvantages of currently widely used benzodiazepine sleeping pills are rapid loss of the hypnotic effect, the ability to impair memory, reduce psychomotor reactions, worsen well-being during the day, cause muscle weakness, and disrupt sleep structure. Due to some of these side effects, benzodiazepine hypnotics increase injury in older patients, and their long-term use is associated with a risk of dependence and withdrawal symptoms. This served as the basis for a search for hypnotics that do not belong to the group of benzodiazepines, which led to the creation and widespread introduction into the practice of a new group of drugs that compare favorably with benzodiazepines in their greater safety.

The main difference between these new drugs is their ability to selectively interact with omega-1 benzodiazepine receptors, which ensures a limited range of unwanted side effects. One such drug is Ambien.

The hypnotic effect of Ambien (Zolpidem) is manifested in making it easier to fall asleep, reducing the frequency of awakenings at night, and prolonging the duration of sleep. Unlike benzodiazepine hypnotics, Zolpidem does not disrupt sleep patterns. The drug is well tolerated by patients regardless of age. The incidence of side effects is 1-2%. The most common complaints are nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness. Less commonly reported are headaches, nightmares, and agitation.

Treatment of insomnia is always a close and fruitful collaboration between doctor and patient. The doctor gives each patient recommendations to consolidate the treatment effect and, if possible, eliminate external factors that interfere with deep and restful sleep. It is important to understand that the use of sleeping pills does not eliminate the problem but only temporarily masks it.


The Impact of Chiropractic Manipulation on Perceived Psychological Well-Being


Chiropractic for diseases of the central nervous system, which is a complex of biomechanical methods, is carried out to eliminate functional blockades and pain, improve lymph and blood circulation, restore reflexes, and increase the patient’s tolerance to psycho-emotional stress.

Chiropractic therapy, previously considered a method of alternative medicine, in modern times is an independent and complete method of treatment accepted by WHO. Its action is aimed not only at relieving the symptoms of diseases, but also at eliminating the root cause of the pathological condition.

The popularity of therapeutic and restorative techniques is growing due to pharmaceutical oversaturation, which has become the main problem of modern medicine. Biomechanical effects on the human body’s tissues can significantly reduce the use of drugs and, in some cases, eliminate them completely. Based on the results of clinical studies, it has been proven that after manual exposure sessions, the following is observed:

  • correction of the position of the vertebrae;
  • release of pinched blood vessels and nerve endings;
  • elimination of functional blocks;
  • relaxation of muscle fibers;
  • destruction of salt deposits on the surface of joints and vertebrae;
  • stimulation of the functional activity of the nervous system;
  • increasing the patient’s motor activity;
  • the disappearance of headaches, fatigue, and nervous tension.

The Basis of the Theory of Therapeutic Effects

From the point of view of chiropractic, the occurrence of any disease is caused by pathologies of the spine, which disrupt the connection between the internal organs, their systems, and the brain. Any kind of stress reaction in the body leads to the appearance of functional muscle blocks. They are areas of pathological muscle tension that does not disappear over a long period of time. Even during sleep and rest, these muscle blocks prevent the body from fully resting, do not allow the nervous system to fully recover, and provoke its chronic fatigue. Thanks to the muscular work of the body carried out by the chiropractor and additional drug therapy with Ativan (Lorazepam), the negative effects of muscle blocks are removed, and the correct functional state of the body’s nervous system is restored.

From the point of view of chiropractic, the occurrence of any disease is caused by pathologies of the spine, which disrupt the connection between the internal organs, their systems, and the brain. Any kind of stress reaction in the body leads to the appearance of functional muscle blocks. They are areas of pathological muscle tension that does not disappear over a long period of time. Even during sleep and rest, these muscle blocks prevent the body from fully resting, do not allow the nervous system to fully recover, and provoke its chronic fatigue. Thanks to the muscular work of the body carried out by the chiropractor and additional drug therapy with Ativan, the negative effects of muscle blocks are removed, and the correct functional state of the body’s nervous system is restored.

The Effect of Manual Spinal Therapy

After several chiropractic sessions, pain in the back and head completely disappears. The patient begins to feel much better, his quality of life improves, and one may even notice an emotional uplift and motivation to act. This effect does not appear just like that.

The effects of chiropractic are based on the principles of several medical fields: neurology, neurophysiology and orthopedics. In complex treatment with Ativan, the effect is positive and so effective. Especially when it comes to the spine. During sessions, the specialist interacts not only with muscles – special attention is paid to intervertebral discs and internal organs.

When a specialist works with the spine, first of all, he directs his efforts to normalize the patient’s well-being. The main goal is to get rid of pain and restore muscle structure and tone. During the procedure, the mobility of joints and soft tissues improves, the muscle corset is strengthened, and deformed areas of the spine almost completely disappear. This is due to the specialist’s special influence on the patient’s body, which helps relieve tension, accelerate blood flow, and relax the tissue.

The procedure also becomes a good way to prevent aging of the body as a whole since an increase in physical activity slows down negative processes. Proper impact on the spine helps restore its normal anatomy, straighten posture, and get rid of pinched nerves between the vertebrae, which often create serious discomfort and pain. Moreover, the effect of such therapy extends to other parts of the body. For example, when working with the spine, internal organs return to their place, the blood supply to the brain improves, and unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort in the head disappear. All this is also associated with muscle relaxation, normalization of metabolism, and acceleration of blood and lymph flow in the body.

Family, Friends, Colleagues, and Patients,

It is with heavy hearts we must share that Dr. Kelly Matthews Ryder has went home to be with his Heavenly Father on September 22, 2021 at 7:06 a.m. CST.

Dr. Kelly Ryder's Memorial Service
In Honer of Dr Kelly Matthews Ryder DC,ARTR,CCSP

The Ryder foundation is being formed to continue education and research while helping people with all the modalities that he believed in.

A life so beautifully lived in selflessly helping others deserves to be beautifully remembered. The outpour of love and support is being felt and appreciated.

Rest in paradise 10/07/1977-09/22/2021

You may provide your thoughts and prayers on his Facebook