How Chiropractic Care Can Alleviate Anxiety and Depression


One of the most common mental disorders in the world is depression. According to the most conservative estimates of experts, about a million people worldwide suffer from the accompanying symptoms. Depressed mood, decreased performance, and quality of life are not all unpleasant symptoms that appear in the vast majority of patients with this diagnosis.

Causes of Depression

Most often, the trigger that provokes the development of a depressive state is a traumatic event. This could be the loss of a loved one, a painful separation, loss of a job, or a change in living conditions for the worse. Women often develop postpartum depression, caused both by complex processes occurring in the body and by the realization that motherhood is hard work.

Experts note the close relationship that exists between the physical parameters of the patient’s body and the presence of depression. So, it can develop in a patient suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system or, on the contrary, lead to the appearance of heart disease.


The most serious complication of depression is attempted suicide.

In addition, complications of depression include:

  • Inability to care for oneself, to perform the simplest actions;
  • Migraines that are not relieved by painkillers;
  • Worsening of the course of cardiovascular and oncological diseases;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Decreased libido up to its complete absence;
  • And many others.

Chiropractic Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Chiropractic care can be used both in addition to drug therapy with Xanax (Alprazolam) and as an independent method of getting rid of severe depression. A chiropractor’s techniques are equally effective in improving the patient’s physical condition and correcting his emotional state. By eliminating muscle hypertonicity and spasms of internal organs, the specialist normalizes all processes occurring in the body, including the functioning of the body’s endocrine system. Stress levels decrease, and the patient returns to leading a full life.

A course of treatment can help a patient suffering from depression:

  • Reduce stress levels by normalizing the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • Launch processes of self-recovery of the body at the physical and mental levels;
  • Normalize the functioning of all organs and systems of the patient’s body;
  • Prevent the development of somatic diseases caused by stress;
  • Remove painful thoughts, increased anxiety, irritability, insomnia, etc.;
  • Bring the patient’s emotional state into balance.


In difficult cases with severe manifestations of depression, the presence of severe concomitant pathology, and also if there is a risk of suicide, drug treatment with Xanax may be required. Depending on the situation, the doctor selects drug therapy in combination with other treatment methods.

Psychotropic drugs are an important part of the treatment of depressive conditions using modern clinical psychotherapy. With the correct prescription of medications in this group and, importantly, the patient’s compliance with all the instructions of the attending physician, psychotropics help to completely eliminate the depressed emotional state within 1-2 months, thereby opening the way to in-depth psychotherapeutic work on the personal problems of patients.

The selection of effective pharmacological therapy requires considering many factors, among which the gender of the patient and the associated psycho-emotional differences in the perception of objective reality and its subsequent subjective assessment play a significant role.

What to Do if You Notice Signs of Depression

Even a mild form of depression requires consultation with a specialist, as it is a disease. But there are ways that, along with treatment from a psychotherapist, will help you recover faster:

  • Establish a sleep-wake schedule in which you sleep at least 8 hours a day and fall asleep no later than 10 pm.
  • Eat a balanced and varied diet while minimizing the consumption of sugar, refined foods, and caffeine.
  • Get physically active. Today, there are a huge number of fitness areas, find something that you will enjoy doing.
  • Take care of your body, take a bath, go to the bathhouse or sauna, visit a massage therapist. Take time to relax.
  • Any activity, with the exception of sitting at a computer and in front of the TV, helps restore normal brain and nervous system functioning.
  • Contact with the outside world is one of the necessary conditions for mental health.