The Impact of Chiropractic Manipulation on Perceived Psychological Well-Being


Chiropractic for diseases of the central nervous system, which is a complex of biomechanical methods, is carried out to eliminate functional blockades and pain, improve lymph and blood circulation, restore reflexes, and increase the patient’s tolerance to psycho-emotional stress.

Chiropractic therapy, previously considered a method of alternative medicine, in modern times is an independent and complete method of treatment accepted by WHO. Its action is aimed not only at relieving the symptoms of diseases, but also at eliminating the root cause of the pathological condition.

The popularity of therapeutic and restorative techniques is growing due to pharmaceutical oversaturation, which has become the main problem of modern medicine. Biomechanical effects on the human body’s tissues can significantly reduce the use of drugs and, in some cases, eliminate them completely. Based on the results of clinical studies, it has been proven that after manual exposure sessions, the following is observed:

  • correction of the position of the vertebrae;
  • release of pinched blood vessels and nerve endings;
  • elimination of functional blocks;
  • relaxation of muscle fibers;
  • destruction of salt deposits on the surface of joints and vertebrae;
  • stimulation of the functional activity of the nervous system;
  • increasing the patient’s motor activity;
  • the disappearance of headaches, fatigue, and nervous tension.

The Basis of the Theory of Therapeutic Effects

From the point of view of chiropractic, the occurrence of any disease is caused by pathologies of the spine, which disrupt the connection between the internal organs, their systems, and the brain. Any kind of stress reaction in the body leads to the appearance of functional muscle blocks. They are areas of pathological muscle tension that does not disappear over a long period of time. Even during sleep and rest, these muscle blocks prevent the body from fully resting, do not allow the nervous system to fully recover, and provoke its chronic fatigue. Thanks to the muscular work of the body carried out by the chiropractor and additional drug therapy with Ativan (Lorazepam), the negative effects of muscle blocks are removed, and the correct functional state of the body’s nervous system is restored.

From the point of view of chiropractic, the occurrence of any disease is caused by pathologies of the spine, which disrupt the connection between the internal organs, their systems, and the brain. Any kind of stress reaction in the body leads to the appearance of functional muscle blocks. They are areas of pathological muscle tension that does not disappear over a long period of time. Even during sleep and rest, these muscle blocks prevent the body from fully resting, do not allow the nervous system to fully recover, and provoke its chronic fatigue. Thanks to the muscular work of the body carried out by the chiropractor and additional drug therapy with Ativan, the negative effects of muscle blocks are removed, and the correct functional state of the body’s nervous system is restored.

The Effect of Manual Spinal Therapy

After several chiropractic sessions, pain in the back and head completely disappears. The patient begins to feel much better, his quality of life improves, and one may even notice an emotional uplift and motivation to act. This effect does not appear just like that.

The effects of chiropractic are based on the principles of several medical fields: neurology, neurophysiology and orthopedics. In complex treatment with Ativan, the effect is positive and so effective. Especially when it comes to the spine. During sessions, the specialist interacts not only with muscles – special attention is paid to intervertebral discs and internal organs.

When a specialist works with the spine, first of all, he directs his efforts to normalize the patient’s well-being. The main goal is to get rid of pain and restore muscle structure and tone. During the procedure, the mobility of joints and soft tissues improves, the muscle corset is strengthened, and deformed areas of the spine almost completely disappear. This is due to the specialist’s special influence on the patient’s body, which helps relieve tension, accelerate blood flow, and relax the tissue.

The procedure also becomes a good way to prevent aging of the body as a whole since an increase in physical activity slows down negative processes. Proper impact on the spine helps restore its normal anatomy, straighten posture, and get rid of pinched nerves between the vertebrae, which often create serious discomfort and pain. Moreover, the effect of such therapy extends to other parts of the body. For example, when working with the spine, internal organs return to their place, the blood supply to the brain improves, and unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort in the head disappear. All this is also associated with muscle relaxation, normalization of metabolism, and acceleration of blood and lymph flow in the body.